Learn, Practice and Explore Yoga and Meditation for Better Life - Health and Fitness Magazine

Yoga & Meditation

Find yoga and meditation articles, news, yoga product reviews, Pranayama and interesting stuff that you will help you in your yoga practice and meditation.

History of Yoga – Your Reference Guide to Yoga and Its Development

Yoga is basically a profound control dependent on an amazingly inconspicuous science, which centres on bringing congruity among psyche and body. It is a workmanship and science of sound living. The word 'Yoga' as per history of yoga is gotten from the Sanskrit root 'Yuj', signifying 'to join' or 'to burden' or 'to join...

The Multiple Science Based Benefits of Meditation

For quite a long time, meditation has been utilized as a viable system to work with the psyche, and furthermore to give unwinding, prosperity and better wellbeing. Sometime before the coming of present day science and drug, committed meditators from an assortment of profound conventions had effectively found the huge advantages of their training. Past...

Yoga Poses for Kids – Keep Your Children & Babies Healthier & Fit

Yoga is not only meant for elders; rather, it is intended to keep kids healthier and make their body flexible. Kids in their growing age require extensive support of exercises and yoga does that without much difficulty. Training kids in yoga unleashes the door to a lifetime practice that fosters healthy body and mind....

Relieve Anxiety With Easy Meditation Techniques

Anxiety issue plague almost 20 percent of American grown-ups, yet just about 33% of them look for treatment. In case you're one of these self-portrayed or clinically analysed wet blankets, you comprehend what it feels like to truly stress yourself wiped out. Truth be told, that is the very meaning of anxiety: agonizing over...

Yoga, CBD Oil and Meditation To Get Rid of Stress & Anxiety

Stress being the most troublesome villain in everyone’s life, it tends to pave way for other diseases. This calls for the adoption of stress management methods by the people, which may allow them to take assistance from medicines. Of course, it should be noted that taking help of medicines is not the right solution...

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