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Yoga & Meditation

Find yoga and meditation articles, news, yoga product reviews, Pranayama and interesting stuff that you will help you in your yoga practice and meditation.

How CBD Candy Can Boost Your Stamina While Practising Yoga

With each passing day, many of us are becoming anxious. We have busy calendars - work ambitions, finances, personal relationships, and a little time for our interests and hobbies thrown in for good measure. Anxiety impacts not just our work but also affects our happy times. It is challenging, which is one of the...

The 8 Good Habits of Highly Healthy People

What if doctors can eliminate most of the diseases by treating the underlying causes of chronic diseases rather than medicating the patients and make them unconscious of the problem hidden by medications? This is where we have to understand the approach that we all have towards health. Most of us go to doctors is to...

Yoga Poses for Kids – Keep Your Children & Babies Healthier & Fit

Yoga is not only meant for elders; rather, it is intended to keep kids healthier and make their body flexible. Kids in their growing age require extensive support of exercises and yoga does that without much difficulty. Training kids in yoga unleashes the door to a lifetime practice that fosters healthy body and mind....

7 Prenatal Yoga Poses for Pregnant Women

Yoga has been a prevailing form of exercise for kids, adults and elder person that has been in practice since many years. Prenatal yoga poses definitely help pregnant women which has proven to be a boon. Proper poses in yoga can be tried as this assures safety as well as care to both mother...

What Are The Seven Chakras & Their Meaning?

Spirituality helps in many ways and it is much more than a medicine that you consume, otherwise. Just like it is said in Sanskrit, chakras in our body is referred to as the energy wheel that runs throughout our body which aligns, heals, unblocks energies, and lets us reach the true potential of our...

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