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Health & Fitness

Read our insightful health and fitness articles on a range of topics such as daily healthy living tips, healthy lifestyle, wellness facts and fitness ideas.

Menopausal Hair Loss: What Can You Do About It?

Menopause - the time when women experience extreme hormonal changes during their late 40s or early 50s. It’s a natural biological process that every woman goes through. The body goes through various physical changes and women may often experience symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, night sweats, insomnia, and vaginal dryness. But that’s not...

Travel Affecting Mental Health – Invest in Yourself

Have you ever wondered what made Joker so sadistic enough to kill everyone? We loved to hate the character, didn't we? But what was the foreground of the character? Or how Voldemort became the villain he was? Even though both of these characters were total fiction based, it does raise a question in mind how mental well-being...

5 Surprising Benefits of Staying Hydrated

The benefits of staying hydrated are widely recognized. Even though studies have shown that it may not be necessary to drink eight glasses of water a day, many people are unable to keep the required amount of water in their bodies. The need for fluids is necessary to help with the normal functions of...

Your Kids Need Baby Braces If They Show These 8 Signs

Do you also wonder what is the right age for your kids to get braces? Unfortunately, we can’t give you an answer because there is no answer to that. It depends on the individual condition of each child. In maximum cases, kids get braces after all their baby teeth have fallen. But if they...

Why Your Child Should Visit The Dentist Every Six Months

As soon as your child starts to teeth, you will want to start brushing them with a soft baby toothbrush, and you will also need to consider which dentist you are going to take them to. It's never too early to take your children/kids to the pediatric dentist. An early introduction can help to...

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