Different Types of Face Masks

The pandemic forced everyone to reconsider their lifestyle. The Coronavirus mask is a necessity to effectively reduce the spread of the virus. Covid-19 spreads amongst people, with the first point of contact with a patient. Hence, wearing a mask in settings where people can’t maintain a distance of 6-feet is crucial. Multiple studies have now proved that masks worn by people with flu can stop the spread of droplets when they exhale.

Masks when worn by healthy people will safeguard them from the virus if they come in contact with an infected person. Masks are a personal protective covering that can ensure safety and reduce the risk of coronavirus. Proper vaccination combined with wearing a mask can also lessen the chances of developing seasonal flu.

Different Types of Masks:

Men Wear Coronavirus Mask

If you have been contemplating wearing a coronavirus masks, there are three kinds you should know:

Simple Cloth Masks:

You can use the cloth masks in a public setting, like the grocery store, where you may unwillingly come in close contact with others. It won’t offer the same level of protection as other masks but is still effective. Masks can help lower the chances of community spread of the virus.

This is because it will prevent asymptomatic people from transmitting the virus through respiratory droplets. It is essential to wash the reusable coronavirus mask after every use.

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Surgical Face Mask:

The surgical masks are disposable masks approved by the FDA in medical settings. It is worn by doctors and nurses when treating patients. The coronavirus masks work great in impeding large droplets of bodily fluids which could contain germs or viruses from escaping. They will also safeguard you from sprays and splashes from others at the time of coughing or sneezing.


They have designed respirators like the N95 or the KN95 masks to safeguard the wearer from tiny particles in the air. They have chosen this name because it can filter 95 percent of particles.

Who should Wear a Mask?

N95 Coronavirus Masks

General Public:

  • It has been recommended that everyone over the age of 2 years must wear a mask in public areas. You must use masks around people who don’t live with you. Especially applicable in situations where social distancing measures aren’t possible.
  • People who are asymptomatic and aren’t aware of being infected, can spread Covid-19. The coronavirus mask in such situations will help curb the spread of the virus.

Also Read: 7 Health Rules You Must Follow During COVID-19 Lockdown

People Who Have Covid-19:

  • It’s best to stay at home if you have been tested positive for mild Covid-19 or you think you may have the coronavirus. Staying in a separate room away from others is recommended. However, in situations when you need to be around people or pets, wear a coronavirus mask.
  • The mask will help in containing the respiratory droplets from reaching other people.
  • This way you won’t be putting other people’s lives at risk.

Caregivers/ Frontline Workers:

People who have been caring for someone sick with Covid-19 in a non-healthcare setting need to wear a coronavirus mask. People who have been working relentlessly during the pandemic should wear a mask.

To prevent getting sick, caregivers and frontline workers must practice preventive actions. This would include:

  • Washing hands regularly 
  • Avoiding close contact with the patient 
  • Avoiding touching your nose, eyes or mouth 
  • Frequently disinfecting surfaces 

You can be perfectly healthy, but by choosing to wear a mask, you would minimize your chances of getting infected. You can also prevent others from getting infected if you are asymptomatic but have the virus.