keto diet plan

“Knowing just a few signs of protein deficiency can help with muscle gain, fat loss, and overall a healthy well-being. See if you are suffering from a protein deficiency from any of these signs.”

By Kara Davis

What is the minimum protein intake per day for a woman who weighs 150 pounds and does not include any activities? The answer to that is 46 grams of protein. Just enough for the body to survive. Proteins are the essential foundation of building, growing and healing of the body. Majority of people are oblivious to the importance of consuming the proper daily amount of proteins.

For individuals following specific diets, such as the ketovore diet, it becomes crucial to ensure protein intake aligns with the dietary requirements.

“Proteins are the living machinery of living tissue that builds the structures and carries out the chemical reactions necessary for life.”

By Michael Behe

The lack of a dequate proteins can have a substantial influence on your health.

Here are seven common signs of protein deficiencies: 

#1 – You’re Having a Slow Healing Process:

The body needs protein in order to heal itself whether that’s from a workout session or an injury, the body needs proteins to help self restoration. Without the proper amount, the healing process can take longer and/or no healing can take place.

#2 – You’re Not Gaining Muscle from Your Workouts:

Muscle Building Diet and Workout Plan

No matter the weight you add to your workout regime, you’re not seeing the results you want. Well, without the proper proteins intake your body might work against you and can go into starvation mode. Hints the reasons, you can lose muscle and/or not see any results from your hard working efforts.

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#3 – You’re Moody and Have Cravings:

Proteins fuels the brain to adequately balance out hormones along with curving your appetite. If you consume high carbs and low protein, for example, you’ll eat more because your body isn’t being satisfied. How come? Because it’s not receiving enough protein. And let’s not forget the probability of weight gain due to over-eating, especially eating bad foods.

#4 – You’re Seeing Hair, Skin, and Nails Changing for the Worse:

Natural Oils For Hair Growth

The hair is thinning and breaking easily. The nails are brittle. The skin is starting to sag. Protein collagen and protein keratin are essential building blocks for the hair, the skin, and the nails rejuvenation. On a daily consumption, about 20 grams of collagen should be sufficient. Keratin does vary. Foods that are a good source for building keratin include fish, red meat, pork, chicken, milk, eggs and yogurt. Vegan or vegetarian options include nuts, beans, quinoa and nut butters.

#5 – You’re Not Sleeping Efficiently:

Food and Sleep

Not sleeping through the night causing you to wake up tired which leads to a long rough day not to mention a cloudy mind. Wayne Campbell, a professor of nutrition science said, “We found that while consuming a lower calorie diet with a higher amount of protein, sleep quality improves for middle-age adults. This sleep quality is better compared to those who lost the same amount of weight while consuming a normal amount of protein.”

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#6 – You’re Sick More Frequently:

When the immune system is deprived of protein it makes it harder for the body to fight invaders causing the sickness to linger or even to occur in the first place. Bone broth is highly recommended by Dr. Axe to help restore and build the immune system the natural way.

#7 – You’re Getting Deep Vein Thrombosis or Pulmonary Embolism:

Yes. Insufficient consumption of protein can cause blood clots. This type of deficiency is called Protein S Deficiency. Protein takes part in balancing the blood thickness to help the blood flow, acting like an anticoagulant agent.

Depending on your personal goals you can find a protein calculator online to get a rough estimate of your daily protein needs or consult with a nutritionist for what’s best for you. You can also take a protein blood test to show where you are on the spectrum. Then go from there.

Here are some steps to implement in your daily life to help you along your journey.

  1. Consume proteins in every meal even if it’s 5 grams. Every gram counts!
  2. Back off the junk food. Less is better, in this case.
  3. Track daily protein intake. Helps show just how much you’re consuming.
  4. Diversify the type of protein throughout the day. So you don’t get bored of eating the same thing over and over.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms mentioned above then there is a high probability you are protein deficient. Don’t panic! Consult your nutritionist or physician about your concerns and then adjust accordingly. Rather sooner than later.